WHOLE HOUSE WATER PURIFICATION SOFTENER AND ARSENIC REMOVAL. Because we do not know where and how will be installed, we do not know size of water pipes, we do not provide firings, connectors. The pictures displayed it’s to show what is for sale We recommend that the sediment filter and UV sterilizer to be hung an the wall. For operation instruction scan the QR code located on the digital valve. After the unit it’s installed backwash it for 30 minutes befor you open the faucets You will receive I’ve three packages- two 12 x 12 x 60 plus one 40 x 14 x 12 or close. American assembled in Phoenix Arizona. PLEASE COMPARE with some others which you may think are similar CHECK the prices and filtration media. 7 TAGES of FILTRATION + 20 inches Sediment filter with cartridge and 35 inches UV Sterilizer with 55 W bulb. A MODERN DIGITAL WATER VALVE with 18 gal/ min and PROGRAMMABLE BACKWASH capacity and one manual valve with backwash. DESIGNATED filtration media to capture and remove all unwanted harmful elements from city and well water. MAIFAN ceramic balls (PH stabilizer) or healing stones. With health care water purification function, widely used in drinks, artificial mineral water, beauty parlors and many others fields It has greater capacity of absorption of heavy metals ions in water. Has a better effect on the skin. KDF a combination of copper and zinc that reduces contaminants in water using an oxidation/ reduction (redox) process Removes chlorine, iron, hydrogen sulfide and other harmful compounds from water supply by exchanging them with harmless components Also remove other heavy metals as nickel, mercury. It is proven option to remove certain chemicals, particularly organic chemicals from water Makes water taste good. Capture high concentration of physical contaminants before backwash is needed, removal of heavy metals (Fe, Zb, Nu, Cd, Pb, and Cu) and radioactive elements, also removes ammonia ions. IT IS SPECIFICALLY TO REMOVE FLUORIDE AND ARSENIC FROM City Line And Well.